


ot leand one thing—— if there problem, i look at it, i look into it, i look through it and i fix it, inting on myself. did you think things would work out automatically ame someone eltched o grown-up,“i believe i am a n imprin'in't lying to anybody about my true feelinglly wrong.“诡辩术挺难识别的,mandy有些替儿子着急。</p>

oscar atter much to you to make otherre a woman?“</p>

rick ll me a woman! i told you there are more genderle and female. are concerned, of courttert every one re that re different and that all people have the right to be what they want to be.“这个话术力量似乎弱了点。</p>

oscar anren locked in a man'nd one minute later you warned me not to addren. how e......“也好,以其人之矛攻其人之盾。</p>

rick said quietly,“i say what i've got to re not allowed to define me.“</p>

oscar said,“do you believe that all humans have their own right...... equally?“这应该是个陷阱……</p>

rick ctly, but except for little kidnd equal rights are definitely what i have been trying to convince you r said,“but you juted my rights by forcing me to accept your declaration, which contradicts itself....... i ve my privilege to dind name you at i think you are. i would be free to ment on anything that pokes queer or weird or dibnormal...... i woman in a man're juughty, to mess everything up, enjoying yourt the chaove created on purpore you trying to en'nd refu woman't why you transfer all the time?“震惊。有人想鼓掌了。</p>

rick re being very mean to people like um not eny man'n's if there were ll! i julized my dream of being not a man in the authentic world, which is disgur asked,“why do you hate men lf of the men-hating women? if they don't like male, why not juve men alone and keep their pathetic feminism to themselves?“给人扣上她无法反驳的帽子,贴上她不想要的标签……这个奥斯卡很坏。</p>

rick ctually undern irely ten yearlly there are at least one hundred gendern jule.......“这个女人弱爆了。</p>

oscar re how you name your identitiemuse youry. i waying—— stop lying to yourking believe! stop ruining the beling everything politically right or wrong! stop calling ordinary people namecist, or homophobic. stop referring to your god or godded contributed to human evolution something worthy!“</p>

rick stormed out of the camera.</p>

ock to hime.</p>






